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Noble Member
4223 kWhs
Joined: Oct 31, 2022
Last seen: Mar 21, 2025
Topics: 22 / Replies: 458
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@soniks - the Grant Aerona controller has some basic user level parameters you can check including power consumption in W, flow and return temperature...

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@cathoderay you're right, and my explanation is a bit confusing. I've seen my Grant ASHP spend a lot to time in defrost recently and it does tend to m...

2 years ago
RE: 17kw Grant Aerona heat pump not performing

@soniks, so sorry to read this. All ASHPs in the UK at the moment will be routinely cycling into defrost. The compressor switches off and the system r...

2 years ago
RE: Massive Electricity Cost

@lucgw you are welcome. Many of us are learning as we go. I can't help but notice there's no pipework insulation on any of that Grant install. Is the ...

2 years ago
RE: Massive Electricity Cost

@lucgw Hi there, I'm relatively new to ASHP with a 10kW Grant Aerona3 ASHP and 250L pre-plumbed grant cylinder. I'm sitting at around 32-36kWh per day...

2 years ago
RE: What's your current daily damage?

140m2 and heated background circa 18degC daytime 16degC night time. Grant Aerona3 on 24/7. Currently about 24kWh per day for heating and DHW (45degC s...

2 years ago
RE: -5c this weekend – what's your heat pump strategy?

Weather Compensation set to OEM standard, and ASHP left running 24/7. First really cold test for the Grant Aerona 10kW. -4degC air = +45degC water. A ...

2 years ago
RE: Did anyone else's ASHP spend most of yesterday (Mon 21/11/22) in defrost?

@editor Freezing fog seems to be an ASHP's nemesis. When similar weather is forecast I'll pop downstairs, light the log burner first thing and switch ...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

Hi Emma, check what your house thermostat is doing set at 16/17degC. Is it switching the ASHP on and off continuously? If it is that's a very ineffici...

2 years ago
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