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185 kWhs
Joined: Jan 18, 2025
Last seen: Feb 11, 2025
Topics: 1 / Replies: 32
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

Any advice on best times to set dhw schedule? Definitely will do this. No idea what this means. The ideal doesn't seem to be able to target ...

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

@uk_pete_2000 I cannot tell you how invaluable everyone's feedback is. It's currently cycling around 1-2 per hour so down to about 40 a day. I b...

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

Very interesting.....yes the thermistor was not pushed in fully and bent over so not quite picking up temp properly but only minor issue. Most inte...

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

Yes it appears that way, ot was also a lot further out and have pushed in since speaking to ideal. Not sure, will be taking tape off today on video...

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

I thought that if there's no dt then there's no heat transfer going on?

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

@jamespa how else can I increase my delta t? When I reduce flow rate (condenser pump speed) the delta t increases to around 5c.

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

Is this on the ch pump? I've got a wilo pump and changing this pump speed from 3 to 1 doesn't change flow rate I don't believe...probably wrong though...

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

Yes it's a unvented cylinder and does the central heating and dhw. Apologies, the sensors are on the flow pipe coming in and return leaving the h...

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

@uk_pete_2000 yes it's a gledhill 300L + 72L internal buffer tank. Sadly can't access in out ports but flow and returns are normally 37-35 /46-43 etc...

4 weeks ago
RE: Controversial opinions - pure weather compensation, buffer tank, heat loss, oversized heat pumps

This is a really fascinating discussion, it's great to see so many are navigating through this journey and noone seems to have a perfect solution just...

4 weeks ago
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