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Cambridgeshire council partnership with Solar Together goes pear-shaped

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I had applied to Cambridgeshire Solar Together to group-buy solar batteries but gave up because I could never get answers from the scheme or the council droid appointed to front it to applicants.  Looks like a narrow escape.  One of the participating suppliers has not been delivering as contracted.

This really shouldn't be the outcome when buying solar panels or batteries, especially if the said vendor is a partner with the council.  Basically, there is no working vetting system in the country for vendors and you're on your own.

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That's interesting to hear, @ronin92

I would question the 'balance' which was arrived at through the partnership between Council and suppliers.

It's likely that the council sought to administrate the scheme, but without having first 'secured the talent'.
You may recall that was the problem when Channel-4 acquired Bake-off from the BBC. 😥 

There's so much work available to installers at the moment, that I cannot see how they would benefit from undertaking work for customers being offered to them by Cambridgeshire County Council. Their commitment to the council scheme would be lower than the Council's aspirations.

Moreover the capital cost of the PV panels themselves is a small part of the package.
The County Council may have given themselves a pat on the back for obtaining a low-price deal, but the scaffolding, roof-fixings, inverter and labour still cost the same.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Transparent

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