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The Definitive Guide to Weather Compensation and Curves for Air Source Heat Pumps

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@judith thanks…. Every day a school day.

tomorrows lesson - filters and strainers- how many microns? 😂😂😂

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@editor This is my current WD Curve. Daikin 9kw installed by Octopus last September. Still working on the fine tuning and looking to learn as much as I can about how our system works.  Had the system fail 3 times with a blocked HP strainer, so its not been a great experience so far. Really appreciate all the contributions from the forums to gain more info and tips. Especially the information regarding the minimum LWT of 30C.  This has really helped with the operation of the system and it looks a lot more stable.  Unfortunately I only found this information after the cold snap at the beginning of the month, when the system gave up for the third time with a blocked strainer, having used over 64kw for the day.  Octopus have been and reset the system to "Their" settings. 50C @-8C and 25C@20C OAT.  I let it run for a few days but the consumption had increased dramatically.  Changed back to what I think is more in line with my expectations and comfort.

Can anyone confirm my understanding of the WD curve. At the Higher OAT I have set 10C and the minimum LWT is set to 30C .The line of the curve is then straight across all temperatures above 10C.  Does this mean the heat pump will maintain 30C LWT across all the higher temperatures?


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Yes mine does, my warm end of the curve is set to 33@7⁰ on my ecodan I can bring the whole curve down by off setting -4, when I do this my system runs at 29⁰ @7⁰ it will then stay at 29⁰ at 8⁰ 9⁰ 10⁰ 11⁰ but at 12⁰ it starts to cycle when it does that I turn it off for some reason it won't go below 29⁰ LWT, flow temperature.

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