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MelCloud readings

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I don't rely on MelCloud for control of my ASHP, but recent discussion on another topic regarding the application,  has prompted me to look again at something I didn't pursue earlier.

I have no inside thermostat/ thermocouple, but my MelCloud gives a reading for "Room Temperature" (currently 23.5C) and I can't understand where that figure is being sensed. There is a Mitsu Air Conditioner, but I doubt there would be interaction between the two systems. The Ecodan is in an outside pump room with much lower temperatures so it is unlikely to be from there.

There is also the facility on the app to "Set Temperature" but this has no apparent effect.

Prior to winter I am refining my weather compensation curve, but wonder if these features are of any value to me.

I would appreciate advice on how I might determine where this data is being sensed and if it and the variable "Set Temperature" can be used to advantage.    

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Where's your main remote controller (the small screen thing)?  I'm fairly sure the temperature displayed is the ambient one around it, or alternatively, the remote probe's temperature if you have one connected.

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Thanks rhh2348

The FTC 5 is in the front panel of the Ecodan which is mounted on the wall of the pump room. That is at ambient temperature, currently, 18C whilst MelCloud is now showing 24C .

However, I have now just fired an infrared thermometer at the front of the FTC5 and sure enough that is at near 24C!

So it is at ambient plus any heat generated in the Ecodan panel

I can't see much point in measuring the temperature there. I suppose I should just ignore it, but have you any suggestions?

Incidentally, I have just checked and thermistors 1A & 2 are both showing 24C

This post was modified 5 months ago by DavidAlgarve


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Posted by: @davidalgarve
The FTC 5 is in the front panel of the Ecodan
To be sure, the FTC is the 400mm ish square white box whereas the main remote controller is the small one with the screen on it.


I have now just fired an infrared thermometer at the front of the FTC5 and sure enough that is at near 24C!


have you any suggestions?
Relocate it and use as a room thermostat - it has auto-adaption built-into it.


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@rhh2348 It is not really practical as pump room is on different floor level to main living room and in any case I am operating on weather compensation.

I have just been playing around and if I go into Initial Settings > Time Display>Room Sensor Setting>Sensor, I have 3 options: Time Zone; TH1; Main RC Panel. It was set on the latter, but if I select either of the other 2 I get a temperature on the app of 39C.

Can't imagine where that temperature is or why these options are where they are

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Posted by: @davidalgarve


I have just been playing around and if I go into Initial Settings > Time Display>Room Sensor Setting>Sensor, I have 3 options: Time Zone; TH1; Main RC Panel. It was set on the latter, but if I select either of the other 2 I get a temperature on the app of 39C.


Are you sure it isn't -39degC, @davidalgarve? I have that for zone two with my Mitsi and that's just saying there is no zone two.

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
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 Hello Majordennis. Yes, so right - I missed the minus sign and now I know what that means. Have you any other thoughts on the choice of option to give a meaningful figure on the App, or do I just ignore it?

Thanks anyway.


This post was modified 5 months ago 5 times by DavidAlgarve

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Well I’ve always just ignored it myself, but I rarely look at the app anyway. In Home Assistant, which I use instead, I just don’t bother displaying any of the info from the second zone, so it’s just as if it doesn’t exist - which, of course, it doesn’t.

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
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I only have a single zone (radiators) so I have not looked into these settings previously. Having briefly now looked at the manual, I will check how it was left by my pathetic installer. There is no Mitsubishi support here in Portugal.

One basic question I have is what constitutes a zone? i.e. does adding DHW count as a zone?


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Posted by: @davidalgarve


One basic question I have is what constitutes a zone? i.e. does adding DHW count as a zone?

No, it doesn't, @davidalgarve. My Mitsi can handle heating two zones as well as DHW. I certainly don't know the technicalities but I presume each zone is a separate heating loop.

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kW air source heat pump
18 x 360W solar panels
1 x 6 kW GroWatt battery and SPH5000 inverter
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Posted by: @davidalgarve

I have no inside thermostat/ thermocouple, but my MelCloud gives a reading for "Room Temperature" (currently 23.5C) and I can't understand where that figure is being sensed. There is a Mitsu Air Conditioner, but I doubt there would be interaction between the two systems. The Ecodan is in an outside pump room with much lower temperatures so it is unlikely to be from there.

There is also the facility on the app to "Set Temperature" but this has no apparent effect.

Hi @davidalgarve 

the room temperature thermistor (sensor) is located in the display unit. 

It’s value is also displayed in the Thermistor Reading screen on the service menu. It’s reference is TH1A on our ftc6.

The “Actual temp” isn’t displayed on the main controller when it is set to weather compensation because the wise designer decided you don’t need it - ??

However it does get displayed on the main controller when operating in Auto adaptive mode because you are now targeting a “set” room temperature so the comparison actual temperature might now be useful?

if you do want to put this temperature reading in your living room (either in weather compensation mode or any other mode) then you could get an add -on new sensor to put in any room, you could get a Mitsubishi wireless controller which has its own room sensor. When you set it up you elect for the system (including MELCloud) to use the thermistor built in to the wireless unit instead of the main controller. Which as you say, in your case, is located in the plant room downstairs.

obvs not sure if your model can work with the wireless unit but would have thought so.

A9BA8173 AD58 4B8F B472 D1A822BA6BA9

not sure why you can’t set temp on the MELCloud ap. works for me

hope this helps

This post was modified 5 months ago by SUNandAIR

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Hello SunandAir and thanks for your input.

Posted by: @sunandair

It’s value is also displayed in the Thermistor Reading screen on the service menu. It’s reference is TH1A on our ftc6.

I had both TH1A and TH2 showing the same temperature, so is TH2 identifiable and is that in the panel somewhere?

I believe I could use the  wireless controller  and did consier it, but think it would be confusing to others, when I am trying to optimise weather compensation.

The app does seem to control the DHW temperature, although I have a tall tank and so different temperatures at different heights.


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