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Looking for a heat pump installer in the Daventry/Northamptonshire area

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Graham Hendra
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Hi everyone , this is the problem everyone is having, the heat pump industry is rapidly expanding and its winter, both mean the good installers are really busy. That and the fact the government grant is halving in April means it super busy out there in heat pump land. 

i will try and find you an installer in the area, bear with, but mr google is the best place to look. 

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Morgan & Graham 

Many thanks for your comments and agree on the situation but i have been trying to find an installer for many months now and have searched a lot of web sites and even asked at local plumbers merchants for contacts and recommendations 

 Even this has not proved successful

so if i only mange to get one quote how do you quantify this 

again thanks for all the comments Keith  

Graham Hendra
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try https://www.evergreenenergy.co.uk/ evergreen cover the uk ask for Faye in sales she will help you or 

kinectid https://www.kinectid.eco/ ask for ellie cotton


Say i sent you. im sure they will help you. i do a bit of support and advice for these guys and i like what they are doing. 

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Have you tried Bright Green Renewable from Daventry? They have done a lot of work in our village (Barby)

Air Source/Ground Source Heat Pumps & Solar PV Installations - Daventry, Rugby, Towcester, Coventry, Northamptonshire (brightgreenrenewables.co.uk)

We didn't use them but several friends did and were very happy.

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Hi all who read this just for your amusement or frustration 

I have just had someone come and view our property to asses for a air source heat pump 

The funny thing is they will install the heat pump and new tank but wont change any pipe work to radiators or any radiators as their installer doesn't like doing pipe work 

So i asked how does this affect the Warranty and they advise they will do flow tests and as long as these are ok they don't see any issues  

It will be interesting to see your views on this as i said at the start amusement or frustration on a Friday

Have a good laugh and a good weekend to those who already have heat pumps 


Graham Hendra
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Posts: 108

in most cases you dont need to change pipework but its highly likely the rads would need some attention. The heat loss room by room from MCS will confirm this, i would ask to see the data before signing on the dotted line.

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@keithh I didn't change a single radiator or any pipework - except the bits around the tank etc. If you want to see if they are suitable I would recommend setting your normal heating gas temp to something like 55 or 50 degrees. This will simulate the warmest a heat pump might run.

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
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Many thanks for the responses sorry should have said that half our radiators still have micro bore pipe to them so know we need to change this to get the better flow rate around our system 


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@keithh interestingly I have microbore upstairs and it's the warmest place in the house. But it's super insulated, so maybe it's not that applicable?!

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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Interesting did your installer not say anything about the micro bore piping and flow rates when they installed the system 

Is the micro bore on a separate circuit or have a pup just for this circuit 

is the Micro bore into manifolds of the 15mm or 22 mm pipes 

Thanks again Keith 

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@keithh it didn't come up. However our upstairs is crazy in terms of insulation. It's 300mm solid between the walls, then 50mm on the outside plus 400mm in the roof. It's brand new SIPs, so it came preinsulated.

We have a separate zone for upstairs not sure on the pipe bore or manifolds. I'd have to go measure. Frankly it's no issue for us. It's always very warm upstairs


12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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