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Heating Turned Off but Radiators Still Warm

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Can anyone shed any light on why our Daikin Altherma 3 Monobloc (R32) should still be keeping the radiators warm and the hot water above target temperature, when everything is switched off?

While we have builders working on our house and some of the windows are replaced by boards, I want to maintain it at a safe level to avoid freezing, but no more.

The heating is set for constant a water temperature (not weather dependant) of 35C and the thermostat set to 5C. However, when there was nobody there yesterday, my temperature loggers show that the house was kept between 12.5C and 13.9C. The DWH is set to 30C, but has been maintained at 36C.

Our installers tell me that the system is still running to protect it from the current cold weather. However, even when the outside temperature was at least 5C, the compressor was drawing an average of 1.142 kwh.

This morning, the forecast said that the weather would not freeze, so I turned off both the heating and DWH. However, the compressor has been running most of the day and the radiators are still warm.

When we are living in the house, this behaviour would not matter, but I am keen to understand what is going on, in case it reveals a fundamental fault in the system. I would also like to stop paying to heat the garden!

Does this match the behaviour you would expect in colder weather? Would the cold weather system protection require the house to remain warm?




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