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Freezing and expensive - our heat pump experience so far

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@editor If you remember, I have been expounding on the need for an ombudsman for some time and a more robust Trading Standards, as that is where the client turns first.

To be honest, I feel that MCS is a bit too lightweight to be in control of this and we need to 'beef up' FGas.

We cannot absolve the End User for using unqualified suppliers and installers and a stronger message has to be put across from MCS and Trust mark, spending some of the vasts sums they get from the industry. The use of unqualified is a carry over from the Gas industry of old.

There is also a lack of warranty paperwork not being handed down from the manufacturers to the Client, a common occurence.

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@bobbt9866, I do remember you speaking to us about the need for an ombudsman and I think it's well overdue. The MCS, while useful, do not seem to be "aggressive" enough in helping to resolve installation issues, whether they're installed by MCS or non-MCS accredited installers.

It also appears that there is no movement for an ombudsman body to be formed, so with each passing month there may be more and more botched installations that will have to be rectified down the line. 

Interesting about the warranties not been handed down either. 

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@editor First they need to establish a need and these failures, and they are few, need to get more profile. One failure is more than enough, of course.

I would suggest that the problem is between the supplier and the End User with the former not giving a service and the End user not knowing where to turn.

I get many stories of great heating engineers losing work after doing the surveys and the design because they were 'too dear' and the order being placed for a cheaper price and we know the end result.

In one of the cases I had to deal with it was the builder that made the decision to build ECO Homes but install the kit using unskilled heat pump installers (being polite). A decision was made between them on sizing etc. End Client left in the lurch.

'Luckily enough' this was a Monobloc so no fridge pipework failures to add to the scenario.

Until one of the Quangoes latches on to the need for proper regulation there will be more like these we have experienced.

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