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Controllers for pumps

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I have 2 pumps and 2 controllers, as well as a hive thermostat setup.

Now that I've read the more in depth chofu manual I want to adjust some settings directly on the controller for tweaking the efficiency.

My question is do the settings have to be exactly the same on both controllers for heat pump 1 and 2?

Will this override my hive thermostat if I say turn off the dhw setting on thermostat and as someone else suggested turning up the heat demand on the hive to 30?


2 10kw Grant Aerona3
Heat loss calc 16.5 kw @ -2.8 degrees
4.32 PV

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604 kWhs
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Just had an answer from installer one controller is for heat only one is for hot water and heat so will try and program each accordingly and see what happens!

2 10kw Grant Aerona3
Heat loss calc 16.5 kw @ -2.8 degrees
4.32 PV

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Does the Hive also control and program your DHW? My installer fitted a Grant time clock for that. My Hive room thermostat is only for heating.

The Hive thermostat is best not controlling anything heating related. It has too small a hysteresis to be of any use controlling ASHPs. It cycles the unit compressor on and off too frequently. Just use it as a central monitor or for remote monitoring via the app, and have it set at a temperature to continually demand heating perhaps set to avoid overheating, same with any TRVs.

I've set my DHW to charge a noon each day for an hour. That's when I get most solar PV generation to offset the ASHP power demand, and the day time temperature is warmest for lowest CoP when the ASHP is providing water at +55degC.


Estimable Member Member
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@allyfish it does, but I'm going to have a go at programming the controller directly and turning off the hive control program 🤞

I did try heating the cylinder on the immersion timer on cheaper overnight tariff to 60 for legionella protection but then found we had less hot water in the morning, probably because I turned the program off at the hive...

We don't have mobile control from a hive hub as the installers were hesitant as said residents would be too tempted to control temps and hot water cycling the system too much.

Kind of wishing the hive control wasn't installed since growing confidence with how to use thanks to yourself and others and as a sidenote finding even the default WC saving more substantial kw per day albeit being a bit milder weather.


2 10kw Grant Aerona3
Heat loss calc 16.5 kw @ -2.8 degrees
4.32 PV


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