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Confused about Samsung Gen6 Hot Water Controller

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Hi, I have a Samsung Gen 6 controller for my hot water.

I have it set to 50C.  But quite often, such as this afternoon, when I go to it it's much colder, in this case 43C - too cold for a decent bath!

No-one has been using hot waterin the house today, so I don't understand what I need to do to keep it up to temperature.   There is also a "Myenergi Eddi" which, so far as I understand, will divert any surplus solar into the hot water tank.  I don't know if its presence is affecting things. 

Sorry to be vague but apart from the very dry Samsung manual I have nothing to go on.  I see that the DHW function has a few modes (mine is set to "Standard") but although I can find instructions to alter this, I can't find any information on what the various modes mean or what if any impact they would have on my cold hot water.

Thank you.

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Do you have the DHW on timed periods or on continuous within x degrees of set temp?

Does the DHW ever reach the 50C set temperature?

Eddi won't be messing things up.


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