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What should we do with our Aga?

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We have a gas Aga that we usually run all winter. My wife likes cooking on it, and the waste heat keeps the kitchen warm, but we have a boiler for central heating and hot water, and a separate cooker for use in the summer when the Aga is cold. We plan to replace the boiler with a heat pump, but don't know what to do with the Aga, so I'd like some suggestions please.

I know there are commercial electrical conversions.

I can have a 13amp always-on conversion that makes it work much like it does at the moment, using lots of electricity. That seems pointless when a heat pump could use the same power to much greater effect. I could run it on a timer during the off-peak hours for about the same cost as running a heat pump during normal hours - but even a basic conversion seems to cost about £5000

Or I could have a more complex conversion that makes it work like an basic electric cooker. That's even more expensive, duplicates the cooker we already have, and we'd lose the warm spot in the kitchen.

Are there any options for an Aga now?

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We also have an AGA.  Oil fired that we inherited with the house and the wife loves it.  We, like you, have an electric oven and hob which we use during the summer when the AGA is shut down. We don't have gas here in our rural location.  Also like you, we researched the conversion to electric option and immediately discounted it as insanely expensive.  There are companies out there that will remove and recycle to new owners but we chose to keep it and run it on the oil during the late autumn through to late spring.  Thus if you're getting rid of your gas supply I would suggest that the only option open to you is to sell it on.


Here is one such company, there will be others, but I doubt they pay you a lot. Good luck.

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.


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