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‘Saving Sessions’ future is in jeopardy.

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I received this message from my energy supplier (Octopus Energy) this afternoon.





As one of the customers who joined Saving Sessions last winter, I wanted to give you an update on it, and ask for your help.


Saving Sessions’ future is in jeopardy.

Tomorrow, the energy regulator Ofgem were set to decide:


- Whether the service should continue at all
- How much reward customers should receive for taking part


Moments ago, they rushed out their decision (a day ahead of schedule): approving a change that would reduce the reward you receive by ~90%.


Where previously, we typically paid you £2.25 per unit you saved, it would be more like 22p per unit instead.


This week, thousands of Saving Sessions customers have flooded Ofgem's inbox and social media to say they want a fair reward for helping make energy cheaper and greener.

Join us in telling Ofgem to think again.


 Tell them on X (Twitter) – using @Ofgem, @neso_energy and #SaveTheDFS.

Tweet Ofgem

OR... email Ofgem directly to tell them how you feel about your Saving Sessions rewards.

Email Ofgem

This button should open up a new draft email for you, already populated with the right email address and a template answer to send (or of course, you're welcome to do it in your own words)!


If that doesn't work, email consumeraffairs@ofgem.gov.uk

and copy in hello@octopus.energy with the subject line "Please save the Demand Flexibility Service."

Why might the Saving Sessions rewards change or end?


Saving Sessions is part of an initiative from the government owned “National Energy System Operator” (NESO): the Demand Flexibility Service. That means that NESO factor in your efforts when balancing the grid, and they give us (and all energy suppliers) the funding to reward you for taking part.

They’ve arrived at the lower reward because that’s the sort of amount they pay a gas plant to turn on to cover the busiest time of day (it does vary - as would future Saving Sessions rewards). But it’s not a fair comparison – they pay the gas plants a lot of money “just in case”, as well as the per-usage costs. There’s no proposal to do the same for customers.


Saving Sessions has proven that our energy system can be more self-sufficient, sustainable, and rewarding for citizens. It’s not the time to stamp all that progress out.


The UK energy system needs to invest in that future, instead of relying on more of the same imported fossil fuels that triggered a once-in-a-generation energy crisis just a few years ago.


We think Saving Sessions has been a massive success: saving a small gas-powered station’s worth of power each time the grid needed it, and hundreds of tonnes of carbon emissions. 


Closer to home, it reduced your bills by £10 million over the past two winters, and raised £400,000 in donations for customers struggling with their bills, and not to mention potentially thousands more family board games played, books opened, dogs walked, hobbies picked up (and, lets be honest, pints downed).


We hope you loved Saving Sessions as much as we did. However you felt about it, we wanted to give you a chance to have your say.

Love and power, 

Kieron @ Octopus Energy

(I run all this stuff for Octopus)


PS. While we won't be able to email every customer about this, we've seen some brilliant people trying to spread the word about this on social media. If you'd like to let your fellow customers know, we've blogged about it: Help us save Saving Sessions.




Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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I have received a reply from OFGEM this afternoon:

On 21 November 2024, we approved proposals by the National Energy System Operator (NESO) to operate Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) as a year-round service. NESO operate the DFS by procuring participation from suppliers and electricity aggregators. The service helps balance supply and demand on the electricity grid efficiently and economically by encouraging flexible energy use by consumers.

As a consumer, as long as you have a working smart meter, you should now be able to sign up for the service with your supplier or third-party aggregator if they are offering the service. NESO will be able to provide you with additional information on the service.

We’ll be working closely with NESO, consumers, the energy sector and Government, to understand the lessons the DFS teaches us about flexible energy use and how both consumers and our electricity grid can benefit from it now and in the longer term.

Kind regards

I note that no mention is made of whether the scheme will run on similar lines to last year’s arrangements or whether similar rates will be applied.(I suspect not!) Regards, Toodles.


Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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And I have now received a slightly more detailed reply that seems to confirm that saving session payments are likely to be ‘at the lowest cost solution’ rates’ so to speak:




Thank you for reaching out and sharing your thoughts about our Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) and the updates to the scheme. We’re grateful for your enthusiasm for demand flexibility and the role it plays in building a greener, more cost-efficient energy system. 


As the National Energy System Operator (NESO) for Great Britain, our mission is to ensure the country has the energy it needs every second of every day and ensuring this is delivered in an affordable way for bill payers. Balancing supply and demand is a critical part of our role, and the support of customers like you makes a real difference in achieving this goal. 


We’re delighted to confirm that demand flexibility remains a key focus for NESO and Ofgem and DFS will now be evolving into a year-round service.  This means we are able to harness the value of customers’ demand flexibility to help us balance supply and demand throughout the year.   


In previous years, we have guaranteed prices to promote participation and learn about the service. Building on this knowledge and considering the energy supply and demand outlook this winter, this year we will compare demand flexibility prices to alternative actions and choose the lowest cost solution, driving value for all bill payers.   


We’re confident that the DFS will continue to attract strong participation. Several providers are already preparing to offer the service as it launches this week, and we’re excited to see the impact it will have in the months ahead.   


Thank you again for your interest and for playing an active role in shaping a greener, more flexible energy future. For more details about this year’s service and how to participate, please visit our website: https://www.neso.energy/industry-information/balancing-services/demand-flexibility-service/demand-flexibility-service-explained


Many thanks


(Name removed)

Customer Experience Manager

Customer Directorate

Faraday House, Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill, Warwick, CV34 6DA 


So there we are, have to await OE’s messages then. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.



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