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48 kWhs
Joined: Oct 1, 2024
Last seen: Nov 19, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4
RE: How can I programme a setback for my Samsung Gen6 8kW heat pump?

my understanding from reading the manuals is that when water law is active - you cannot select "indoor" mode on that screen. if indoor is activ...

4 months ago
RE: How can I programme a setback for my Samsung Gen6 8kW heat pump?

@bontwoody thanks for that - it looks like you don't have water law/weather compensation running though? is that right? it should say "water law" wher...

4 months ago
RE: How can I programme a setback for my Samsung Gen6 8kW heat pump?

Ah ok gotcha. So that's basically the same as what I'm doing with my nest thermostat ATM where is set it to 23 during the day and let weather compensa...

5 months ago
RE: How can I programme a setback for my Samsung Gen6 8kW heat pump?

Can you please expand a bit on this as it doesn’t seem to align with what everyone else says. everyone else says you can't use weather compensation an...

5 months ago

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