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Eminent Member
115 kWhs
Joined: Dec 17, 2022
Last seen: Jan 12, 2023
Topics: 2 / Replies: 8
RE: Looking for reference sites and installer recommendations

Thank you. That's the feedback I'm after. As you say, they may be out of area but they sound genuine.

2 years ago
RE: Looking for reference sites and installer recommendations

Thank you. I've downloaded a copy to take a look.

2 years ago
RE: Peering over the ASHP cliff

@oswiu I'm a little confused now. Earlier you indicated my electricity usage would be around 5-6,000kWh for my heat pump. I used those numbers?

2 years ago
RE: Peering over the ASHP cliff

Wow! Using your lower figure, that's going to ADD around £400 to my energy bill, using the higher number, that's £853 and that's totally ignoring the ...

2 years ago
RE: Peering over the ASHP cliff

@allyfish I have a log burner in the lounge. We tend to use it during the shoulder periods instead of the gas boiler in the evening. I accept that, re...

2 years ago
RE: Peering over the ASHP cliff

Looking at the quote, they are working on; 150 sq/mtr floor area, 46 W per sq/mtr heat loss, 19309 kW/hr per annum, (Unsure if this is heat gene...

2 years ago
RE: Peering over the ASHP cliff

@oswiu that was very useful. Thanks for that. Having taken the details and made the calculation, it gives me an answer of 5.2kWh. That's probably o...

2 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1427
RE: Say hello and introduce yourself

Hello, I've just joined this forum. I live in what used to be called the garden of England, probably now just the windowbox of England but hey ho. ...

2 years ago

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