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Eminent Member
103 kWhs
Joined: Jan 14, 2023
Last seen: Mar 3, 2023
Topics: 2 / Replies: 8
RE: Disappearing hot water.

@derek-m thank you for this. We hardly use any hot water at present, as our shower is electric and we have a dishwasher. All the more annoying when th...

2 years ago
RE: Disappearing hot water.

Hi all, Related issue here... As soon as we run any hot water at all the tank temperature drops massively, which triggers the hot water heating fu...

2 years ago
RE: Water cylinder for heat pump outside the house

The heat pump is on the exterior of the left walk in that photo, the pipework has about 3 metres outside to the house, and is very heavily insulated

2 years ago
RE: Water cylinder for heat pump outside the house

Yes, we recently had an insulated shed built and our hot water tank and the heat pump apparatus are all in it. Seems to be absolutely fine. Pic below ...

2 years ago
RE: New ASHP user struggling to understand things

Thanks both, that's very helpful. From what I've read it seems like ASHPs are less efficient/cost-effective on the really cold days but moreso on the ...

2 years ago
RE: New ASHP user struggling to understand

@kev-m thank you very much for this! I thought it might be WiFi strength, although it was a weaker signal it was stable; I've moved the router close...

2 years ago
RE: Melcloud app says "the unit failed to respond to the refresh"

Thanks everyone. It mysteriously reappeared at about 3pm, then disappeared again at about 3am...which was the same time it disappeared yesterday! Very...

2 years ago
RE: New Ecodan / MELCloud owner

@abernyte thank you for that. Any idea why it would lose contact, and why it wouldn't reconnect?

2 years ago

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