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439 kWhs
Joined: Jul 22, 2022
Last seen: Jul 12, 2023
Topics: 2 / Replies: 62
RE: Electricity price predictions

@george you've done the right thing. Just keep half an eye on anything else for longer or cheaper coming along that justifies forfeiting the exit fe...

1 year ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

@george did you get Zero exit fees?There may be other deals available soon if you keep an eye on prices and be ready to switch if you can and bank to ...

1 year ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

@editor I heard once the currently extended EPG runs out there is a slight drop prior to rising again October according to Cornwall Insights. 50p per ...

1 year ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

Perfectly 'calm' mate.. Just glad I never fell for the BS being pushed my way. Isn't this forum iabout "Renewable Energy" and not Solely tied to Hea...

1 year ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

Said it for years - an expensive folly that supports the more affluent to get their hands on government money, better spent elsewhere!! Since Septem...

1 year ago
Replies: 10
Views: 1108
RE: Electricity price predictions

Yep, Then Mr Sunak aannouncing last night that after 2023, they'll be no government support whatsoever for Energy and tells us we need to learn to c...

2 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

Boiler coming off mains Gas to LPG at the end of this month. Standing Charges will cover the cost of 1.5x 47kg bottles I'll need 5x to get me through...

2 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

It's completely skewed in favour of those that can afford luxuries to run them cheaper, not helping those returning food to food banks due to not bein...

2 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

@batalto they can also afford 'good tax advice'. It's irrelevant, it is to support cost of living, not contribute to luxury. So, I don't accept that...

2 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

@batalto I know at least four. They have the money to pay £50 plus per kwh if they had to , so why wasn't the cap limited. Life goes on for them b...

2 years ago
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