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137 kWhs
Joined: Jan 9, 2024
Last seen: Nov 23, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 25
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

I had them back to attend to the antivibration measures as we had quite a bit of knocking - which has now gone - the only thing left is this bloody fl...

1 year ago
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

These pipes have now been fastened and in some places felt laid down to stop the expansion knocking we were getting

1 year ago
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

This is the furthest bedroom by the bathroom where the pipes take a left turn to get to the bathroom which is out of the door and to the right.

1 year ago
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

@iancalderbank Thanks Ian, I thought it was going to have something to do with that wall!!! So in your opinion should I be getting back onto...

1 year ago
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

I have the measurements and the pictures of the flow pipes coming into the bedroom for context these are next to the bed and going in a...

1 year ago
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

Hi Gary, Just to confirm we only have rads and no UFH. The noise that we are keen to try to dampen in not coming from the cupboard where the pu...

1 year ago
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

Not sure why but I’m unable to upload photos or videos into my media or directly, the site just says upload aborted?

1 year ago
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

@andygo The two pumps I have don't seem to work independently, one I think is for the flow to and then back. I've put the pumps back on speed 3 to ...

1 year ago
RE: ASHP flow through pipes is noisy and preventing us from using at night......looking for help.

@iancalderbank Hi Ian and thank you for reading and replying. I'll try to answer your queries the best I can. so I have 2 x Grundfos UPS3 pumps ...

1 year ago
RE: Ecodan spells out end of R32 for real environmental alternative

@editor Great news but what of those poor people who have just had an R32 installed?......i.e ME. Horrendous timing it would seem.

1 year ago
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