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Eminent Member
228 kWhs
Joined: Oct 18, 2022
Last seen: Mar 16, 2023
Topics: 1 / Replies: 14

We live in a 1971 detached bungalow half way up a hill in Scotland so wind wash is an issue for us too. I have insulated the house as much as possible...

1 year ago
RE: Yearly maintenance

I don’t know if this helps!/p>

1 year ago
RE: Yearly maintenance

My standard Ecodan warranty was 3 years from commissioning date and installer suggested I buy extended warranty (which I did) to cover 7 years

2 years ago
RE: Cosy Octopus - New ASHP tarrif

@batalto meant to come back on this. You’re right no problem with switching except I’m also on Agile outgoing for surplus solar in summer and Go is no...

2 years ago
RE: Cosy Octopus - New ASHP tarrif

Understandable if you have an electric car and can access Go but having spent £30K on solar, battery and an ASHP I have no ability to buy an EV and ca...

2 years ago
RE: Cosy Octopus - New ASHP tarrif

We’ve a heat pump (obviously!). I’m on Agile and my last bill for 25 days to 28 Nov used an average of 23.24p per KWH with a standing charge of 20p pe...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP - Want to run 24/7 but continually calling for heat

@mjr In my case I’ve a 14kw Ecodan in a 1971 detached 3 bed bungalow so retrofit with best insulation I could manage. I deliberately have no zoning to...

2 years ago
RE: Using ECODAN with Hive stat

@kev-m that’s kind of what my installer says but I only have TRVs in each room and from other research I’ve done the advice seems to be to leave them ...

2 years ago
RE: Using ECODAN with Hive stat

@morgan indeed I suspect you’re right. As I understand it to remove the hive and install the Mitsubishi stat there’s a couple of dip switches need cha...

2 years ago
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