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Joined: May 13, 2021
Last seen: Jul 25, 2021
Topics: 1 / Replies: 7
RE: Please don't shout at me! Electric boiler vs ASHP

Hi Derek, Thank you for this, I will do my best to leverage what we can. I suppose my main concern is that there is a lot of information out t...

4 years ago
RE: To ASHP, or not to ASHP, that is the question!!!!!!

@julianc Ace, thank you, it does seem high to not include radiators and we also have to pay £250 to get them to come round and do a full assessment. I...

4 years ago
RE: To ASHP, or not to ASHP, that is the question!!!!!!

@kev-m Thanks for this. The comparison is useful although, as you say, all the different factors at play make it tricky to know how to compare buildin...

4 years ago
RE: To ASHP, or not to ASHP, that is the question!!!!!!

@derek-m Hi Derek, currently we don't have solar pv or thermal, but we would consider it. We only moved in a month ago so we don't have any experien...

4 years ago
RE: To ASHP, or not to ASHP, that is the question!!!!!!

@julianc Thank you! Regards the heat loss calculation, the Heating Hub estimated 18,869kwh and the EPC has us at 14,142 kwh. The heating hub says our ...

4 years ago
RE: Say hello and introduce yourself

@editor Thank you! I will go over there and post my multiple questions 👍

4 years ago

Hello all, thank you so much for all the information on here, although my brain is now completely fried! I've just bought my first ever house for my...

4 years ago

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