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Should we turn off ASHP for an hour to benefit from Octopus Saving Sessions?

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@scrchngwsl We try to be responsible and as energy efficient as we can be, but a combination of two ASHPs, an EV, three teenage daughters and being fortunate to live in a large house means we are still heavy users of electricity.

I do agree though that this scheme isn't progressive as it does benefit those of us who are heavier users than those who aren't and maybe the payments would be better arranged based on the percentage you saved compared to typical amounts rather that the kWh amount saved.

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@knukes apologies, I didn't mean to suggest that the more money you make, the more irresponsible you are - I think everyone on this forum is among the more responsible members of the public. I was just talking about my experience specifically: for me, I could have made more money if I were more irresponsible.

Playing devil's advocate, I can see why they structured it like this: they have calculated that they will make more energy savings overall (in the short term at least) if they reward and encourage the biggest users to cut down on their use, rather than incentivising people who already use not-very-much to reduce it further.

ASHP: Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5kW
PV: 5.2kWp
Battery: 8.2kWh

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@scrchngwsl No apology necessary. It was taken in the right spirit.


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