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Recommended ASHP protection fluid products

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Eminent Member Member
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I am looking for advice on anti-freeze and inhibitor for my ASHP. 

I recently had a pressure relief valve trigger when my system was over-filled. Before I could figure out what had happened I kept filling my system from the fill-loop. Since the system has effectively been drained down several time and re-filled I want to ensure it is topped up with the correct product to protect, especially over the winter.

Any recommendations for products to use?



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2299 kWhs
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I recently removed all the anti freeze from the system, and cleaned to VDI 2035 spec, so very clean water with low conductivity.

No anti freeze valves either.

Everything is insulated, circulation pump runs all the time, have battery and if all else fails a generator. 

There is write up on here somewhere about the real need for antifreeze, and as stated not really convinced it's needed. How many external oil boilers have antifreeze - none. How many issues do you hear of of frozen pipes etc - none.


Maxa i32V5 6kW ASHP (heat and cooling)
6.5kW PV
13.5kW GivEnergy AIO Battery.



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