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Octopus Energy new Cosy tariff.

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@irmartini I would think all that pipework would emit more heat than a small radiator might! Toodles.

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!

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Whats that got to do with it potentially being boxed in?

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@irmartini I take it you meant the radiator would be boxed in. I probably have that wrong. I would have thought insulating the pipework, rather than boxing in the equipment which would make it awkward for access, would be the best plan. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!

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Posted by: @irmartini

Whats that got to do with it potentially being boxed in?

Not sure I would want to box in with what looks like the controller on the cylinder. Uninsulated pipework, cylinder at around 50 degs, means it's going to be hot in the box, not good for the long term health of electronics.

Insulated piping would get my vote and switching off the radiator.

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I was just suggesting it looked like that corner had been boxed in before looking at the floor and wall and so its not unreasable to think that might be the plan goign forward and so all the heat from uninsulated pipe work might not be going into that room and so the radiator may be required, we also can't see how big that room actually is. weather its a good idea or not was not part of my point.


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@johnmo It's a utility hallway - that photo was taken during the installation, pipework is now lagged, and I will be building a closet to house the tank/pipework. Our flow temps will always be below 40C, so should never reach "roasting", just comfortably warm (hopefully). All radiators were designed and sized to match the heat losses of each room at 40C (-2C ambient), although I think they over-estimated the heat loss, so I suspect we will be range bound between 33-38C for LWT.

Back on topic - it's a negatively priced day on Agile today, so the heating is getting a good workout and a 70C legionella cycle is about to begin. Still considering a switch to Cosy for the Winter, but for now, during summer, we are not really able to leverage the cheap periods so think Agile may prove cheaper in the standard priced periods.


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