Win a Sustainable Heat Pump T-Shirt

T-shirt giveaway

At Renewable Heating Hub, we’re passionate about sustainable living and renewable energy. To celebrate our commitment to the environment, we’re giving away a heat pump-themed T-shirt to one lucky winner!

This isn’t just any T-shirt – it’s certified organic cotton made with care for both people and the planet.

The winner gets to choose the design, size and colour of their T-shirt.

Wearing this T-shirt will allow homeowners to proudly share their commitment to heat pump technology, helping to create awareness and promote a greener future.

Join us in promoting sustainable energy solutions and show off your dedication to renewable heating!

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Mark Smith
613 kWhs
12 days ago

Yes please 🙂

12 days ago

Wearing one, could be a conversation starter

Sally Collingwood
Sally Collingwood
11 days ago

Oh wow, so brilliant.
I used to be addicted to soap, but now I’m clean – new slogan!

George S
George S
11 days ago

Don’t waste all that hot air

Susan B
Susan B
9 days ago

If you ever want to talk about why our air conditioning bill is so high, my door is always open

Mirja Watts
Mirja Watts
8 days ago

Love Heat pumps

Toby H
Toby H
8 days ago

Thank you for the opportunity to win 🙂

James Travis
James Travis
1 day ago

They look really good, like the slogans on them

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