What makes heat pumps from Renewable Energy Devices (RED) different?

Dr Jason Cassells

We had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Jason Cassells, managing director of Renewable Energy Devices (RED), and he tells us what makes RED heat pumps different and what inspired their unique design. We also discuss why RED heat pumps are designed to work without buffer tanks and what refrigerants will be used in future models.

We would like to thank Freedom Heat Pumps for sponsoring this video in the Renewing the Conversation series. To find out more about their services and heat offerings, please visit their website.

Enjoy the interview, and please join the conversation by leaving questions or comments below.

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Simon Roberts
Simon Roberts
3 years ago

I have a ESP Classic 25kw ashp 3ph….54months old heating only,house is new very well insulated/triple glazed+ 4kw solar array.300M2.
.The unit has ceased to operate,a local company cannot get it running and the supplier although reasonably helpful on the phone,cannot attend site to fix…..I am in Kent,they in Oxfordshire.

What is now deemed to be the most efficient brand on the market with a reliable support network?

0 kWhs
Reply to  Simon Roberts
3 years ago

There are a lot of options on the market – I would suggest that you post your question on the forums Simon to get some word of mouth recommendations: https://renewableheatinghub.co.uk/forums

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