Energy prices are skyrocketing and fuel poverty is increasing – will the UK government still meet its renewable targets?

Matthew Aylott

We sat down with Matthew Aylott, Senior Policy Adviser at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the day after Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement 2022, to find out what measures the government is putting in place to ensure that the UK continues to work towards its net zero goals amidst the energy crisis and what the government is doing to prevent thousands of households from sliding into fuel poverty.

We would like to thank the Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) for sponsoring this video. If you would like to find out more about ground source heat pump solutions, please visit the GSHPA website.

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439 kWhs
2 years ago

Matthew: If you are reading this, I need to speak to someone in Government regarding legislation on Gas Boiler manufacturers.

I have written to the Energy, Environment and Business Secretaries and none of them have even had the decency to respond. There is an inherent problem with Gas boilers that is wasting up to 20% Gas out the box .

Installers should be adjusting newly installed boilers but they are too lazy or unaware of the procedure and therefore, legislation needs to be put in place to stop this practice by ‘default’ – the same way as they have done with EV Charging default times to reduce Grid overload.

I need to speak to someone who will listen and if you or anyone else reading this, can help me, i would appreciate it as at todays prices, 20% wasted Gas is damaging our Climate, costing customers money and creating unnecessary demand on limited Gas supplies.

I was recently on a caravan site in Cornwall with over 350x LPG Boilers incorrectly set and therefore, consuming up to 20% excessive Gas for no benefit – thus wasted. Multiply this by millions of Boilers, I have had mine adjusted and it was an immediate 18% saving on Gas consumption.

I have spoken to manufacturers and Gas Training establishments who agree this is a travesty, yet, it carries on. It is a quick and simple fix and I’m currently taking two boiler installers to court for failing to address this during installation, thus leaving Condensing Gas Boilers running no more efficiently than the ones that were ripped out and scrapped yet claiming the boiler was “efficient”!

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