Are air source heat pumps noisy?

Are air source heat pumps noisy

One of the biggest issues raised by homeowners is that air source heat pumps are noisy? But are they and what does Graham Hendra think?

We would like to say a huge thank you to Auream Energy for sponsoring this video. To find out more about their solar installation services please visit their website.

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250 kWhs
3 years ago

Thank you. Useful video. Everything Graham says makes sense. Our ASHP, nearly silent during the warmth of September, is quite ‘loud’ during these winter months when full on and starting up. It’s not, in my view, as noisy as the external oil boiler belonging to a neighbour down the road.

The noise level doesn’t bother us at all but we are far enough away from others that most don’t even know we have a heat pump. The pump is located outside a bathroom window. When the window is shut you can’t hear it at all.
My subjective view is that even if we were closer to our neighbours it would not bother them because they are inside with windows shut during the winter months.

356 kWhs
1 year ago

I am sorry, but this is the most unprofessional response possible! If people hate their neighbours, there are ways for them to express their hatred other than ‘moaning about their ASHPs”! The noise of the ASHPs is a serious matter which so far has been ignored by the authorities (because they want to reach their carbon target in any way possible) and the production companies (because they only think of their pockets).

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