Renewable Heating Hub Award Nominations

Renewable Heating Hub Awards

Welcome to the inaugural Renewable Heating Hub Awards, where we celebrate excellence in renewable heating across the UK. As a trusted resource for homeowners, our mission is to highlight the best in heat pump technology, installation and customer service, empowering our community to make informed choices for a sustainable future.

So we’re excited to launch these awards to recognise the outstanding contributions of manufacturers, installers and innovators in the renewable heating industry from a consumer’s perspective. Our categories, carefully selected to reflect the real-world experiences and priorities of homeowners, provide a platform for you to nominate and vote for the products, services and companies that have made a significant impact on our collective journey towards eco-friendly heating.

Your votes (not a panel of judges) will help shine a spotlight on those who excel in energy efficiency, customer support, technological innovation and more. Together, we can celebrate the advancements in renewable heating and promote a greener, more sustainable way of living.

Since these are our inaugural awards, with the winners to be announced in January 2025, all nominations are valid for activities or products from 1 June 2023 to 31 July 2024. In other words, if a product was launched, an installation was completed, or a service was conducted after 1 June 2023 and before 31 July 2024, it is eligible for nomination.

Best Customer Experience – Heat Pump Installer

Have you had an exceptional experience with a heat pump installer? Was their installation quality top-notch, their professionalism commendable, and their communication clear and timely? Did their support services exceed your expectations? Did they go above and beyond to deliver the best installation possible? If so, we want to hear from you!

To nominate an installer for this award, please share your experiences and tell us why you believe they deserve recognition for consistently delivering exceptional service and satisfaction. Your nominations will help us spotlight the installers who truly excel in their field and make a positive impact on homeowners’ lives. Submit your nomination via email to with the subject line: Best Customer Experience – Heat Pump Installer Award

Best Customer Experience – Heat Pump Manufacturer

Does a particular heat pump manufacturer stand out to you for their exceptional product quality, outstanding customer service, responsive technical support and overall engagement throughout your purchasing and post-purchase journey? If so, we want to hear from you!

To nominate a manufacturer for this award, please share your experiences and tell us why you believe they deserve to be recognised for going above and beyond to ensure a seamless and positive experience for their customers. Your nominations will help us highlight the companies that truly excel in providing superior customer experiences. Submit your nomination via email to with the subject line: Best Customer Experience – Heat Pump Manufacturer Award

Best Heat Pump Installation

This award is given to the heat pump installation that stands out as the best. Have you experienced an exemplary heat pump installation? Was the quality and neatness of the installation exceptional? Did the system perform efficiently and functionally, leaving you completely satisfied with your heat pump? Is your SCOP through the roof? If so, we want to hear about it!

To nominate an installation for this award, please share your experiences and explain why you believe it deserves to be recognised for excellence. Your nominations will help us highlight the installers and projects that set the benchmark for quality and performance. Submit your nomination via email to with the subject line: Best Heat Pump Installation Award

Best Heat Pump Maintenance & Servicing

This award honours the company or service provider that offers the best heat pump maintenance and servicing. Have you had a positive experience with a maintenance or servicing company that kept your heat pump running smoothly and efficiently? If so, we want to hear about it!

To nominate a company for this award, please share your experiences and tell us why you believe they deserve recognition for their maintenance and servicing excellence. Your nominations will help us spotlight the providers who excel in keeping heat pumps in top condition. Submit your nomination via email to with the subject line: Best Heat Pump Maintenance and Servicing Award

Best New Product or Technology

This award acknowledges the best new product or technology in the heat pump market introduced within the last year. This does not include heat pump units themselves, but products and technology that enhance or improve renewable heating. Has a new heat pump product or technology recently impressed you with its innovation, performance and design? Has it made a significant impact on your heating solutions? If so, we want to hear from you!

To nominate a product or technology for this award, please share your experiences and explain why you believe it deserves to be recognised for its cutting-edge innovation and overall impact. Your nominations will help us highlight the products and technologies that are driving the industry forward and making a difference in the lives of homeowners. Submit your nomination via email to with the subject line: Best New Product or Technology

Outstanding Contribution to Sustainable Living

Has a particular company, product or individual stood out to you for their dedication to sustainable living? Have their efforts led to increased adoption of renewable heating, reduced carbon footprints and enhanced sustainability? If so, we want to hear about it!

To nominate a candidate for this award, please share your experiences and explain why you believe they deserve to be recognised for their commitment to a greener future. Your nominations will help us highlight those who are making a real difference in promoting sustainable living through innovative heat pump solutions. Submit your nomination via email to with the subject line: Outstanding Contribution to Sustainable Living

Best Heat Pump Brand

This award is given to the heat pump that is most favoured by homeowners. Votes will be based on overall satisfaction, performance, reliability and popularity within the community. This category reflects the preferences and trust of homeowners in a particular heat pump brand. Submit your nomination for the best heat pump brand via email to with the subject line: Best Heat Pump Brand

Editor’s Choice Award

This special award is selected by the Renewable Heating Hub editorial team. It recognises a product, technology or company that stands out for its exceptional quality and innovation, making a significant impact on homeowners. The Editor’s Choice Award is a prestigious accolade that highlights exemplary contributions to the renewable heating sector.

The Process

Once nominations have been received, we will carefully review all entries and narrow down the list to select the finalists. These top candidates will then be presented for a community vote to determine the winner. Your voice is crucial in recognising those who are making outstanding contributions to a more sustainable world.

Thank you for participating in the Renewable Heating Hub Awards!

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