E.ON Next

EON Next

E.ON Next is an electricity and gas supplier that is part of the E.ON Group, and they are a new energy supplier that claims to be focused on sustainable energy and making a difference.

If E.ON Next is your electricity provider, please share a review below by scrolling to the end of this post. There are six rating criteria: Tariff variety, price, customer service & support, sensible billing, online portal & app and easy to contact. Please rate each of the criteria out of 5 stars – 1 star being the worst and 5 stars being excellent.


2.6 5 votes
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2.4 5 votes
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2.8 5 votes
3.4 5 votes
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3 5 votes

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Alan Walker
86 kWhs
3 years ago

I’ve previously been a customer of E.On, and they were generally fine. I was a customer of Symbio as well before they went bust, so I’m now back with E.On in their E.On Next guise as well (but only for electricity, as we’re in a rural area that has no piped gas supply). I must admit I wasn’t aware of exactly what tariff rate I was on prior to signing up to the Direct Debit, so difficult to know whether my rate has reduced as a result. I’m on an Economy 7 meter, and in the transfer from Symbio to E.On Next they transposed the day & night readings. I informed them 5 or 6 weeks ago of the error, but so far they haven’t corrected it. It temporarily works in my favour, but of course it will catch up with me in due course.

I’ve also asked them to switch me to a smart meter, as overall a single rate would work better for me, but so far I’m just being told “we’ll get back to you sometime”. There’s no mobile signal where we are, so a smart meter isn’t really of any benefit just now, but hopefully the signal will get better sometime!

In overall not a great start by them, but it’s probably too early yet to give any proper review, so I’ll hold off on that for the time being.

0 kWhs
3 years ago
Tariff variety :
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Like many homeowners across the UK we got transferred to E.ON when our supplier went bust. Our biggest issue was when we got switched our tariff was very high but E.ON stated it would adjusted and dropped when a direct debit was set up, which we did on their portal, but the tariff didn’t changed automatically and we had to call them to complain and get it implemented.

Our full story on the saga has been posted here: https://myhomefarm.co.uk/check-your-electricity-tariff-to-see-if-youre-being-overcharged

I’ve never been a fan of the big six, and when the times comes we’ll definitely switch again.

Harvey Mann
Harvey Mann
3 years ago
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We were Symbio customers and when they went bust as a suppler we were moved into E.ON Next. All in all it’s been an OK experience with them so far despite them being one of the big 6 – their tariff is much higher than what we were paying with Symbio but that probably has something to do with the ridiculous price of electricity across the UK at the moment.

83 kWhs
3 years ago
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Would you recommend them? :

I got moved to E. ON Next when my last provider Symbio went bust. Obviously rate is much higher but that is probably a reflection of the unsustainably low rate of Symbio. My biggest issue with them is communications. I have been chasing a Smart Meter issue for weeks.. they offer you to contact via Twitter but give you no reference number so any issue that requires more than 24 hours to resolve means every time you contact them, they don’t have the previous chat and you need to go through all of that again. Issue still unresolved.

563 kWhs
3 years ago
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Would you recommend them? :

Previous Symbio customer, now forced to take standard variable rate set by Ofgem. Still waiting for correct billing. This delay I think is due to the finalising of Symbio accounts, just had a VAT alteration for pennies. We were with Npower which was a company I liked their billing was good and the online website gave a lot of detail on energy usage. Npower was taken over by Eon.
I wasn’t keen on Eon the first time around but things seem better this time. My scoring is based on limited activity with my account mainly due to the changeover, how E-on will perform after this, we will see. I always shop around for the best value deals but I think that is a thing of the past. Whatever way the energy market goes it will be different the current model has proven to be unsustainable.

1333 kWhs
2 years ago
Tariff variety :
Price :
Customer service & support :
Sensible billing :
Online portal & app :
Would you recommend them? :

I have been with E.On for a very long time possibly due to inertia, also partly because I was unconvinced by viability of the new entrants, as has been borne our by recent events.

Few tariffs are available and some tariffs are not generally available, like their EV tariff with its absurdly low nighttime rate only being available if you have an EV.

Their portal is pretty good. You would be advised to login periodically to adjust your DD so you do not end up giving them a huge credit.

As for smart metering, they chased me for years to do it and when I finally agreed, it got done pretty promptly.

Last edited 2 years ago by ronin92
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