Climate change game to educate children

Climate Crisis

Zenergi has launched a game called Climate Crisis that has been designed to educate children around the UK on climate change. News headlines demonstrate just how rapidly climate change is accelerating accentuated by the devastating effects of wildfires, flash floods and heatwaves, and a UN report claims that human behaviour is impacting the climate in “unprecedented and sometimes irreversible ways.”

The free educational computer game brings the issue to life in a way that children can understand and engage in. In the game, players help a virtual community to become part of the green revolution. Players can make improvements to the community that reduce its climate impact and increase the happiness levels of its residents before 2050, when time runs out and the game ends. 

The game works by engaging the young audience to answer environmental awareness quiz questions. The more players demonstrate their knowledge, the more virtual coins they earn, as they climb the Climate Crisis leaderboard.

The non-profit, browser-based game is available to schools, colleges and parents all over the country. It can be played by children of all ages, with parents and teachers able to collaborate and support younger players, and older children able to play independently at home or at school. 

The gameplay is similar to the SimCity series, and you can upgrade buildings as the game progresses to reduce their carbon footprint, and has actually been executed very well.

To play the game, visit this link:

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