High temperature heat pumps and weather compensation

Graham Hendra III

Our chats with Graham Hendra are always fun, educational and enlightening. We spoke to Graham about high temperature heat pumps (he’s getting a new Samsung installed) and how to determine whether your weather compensation is on and working as it should.

In addition to this we speak to Graham about his book, 50 Things You Need To Know About Heat Pumps, and he reveals who he thinks should play him in the movie.

Buy 50 Things You Need To Know About Heat Pumps by Graham Hendra.

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943 kWhs
2 years ago

In a house deliberately designed for a low flow temp pump would you recommend that a high temp pump is installed? I want my rads to be as cool as possible, as long as the room is warm enough, as that equals lower bills and max energy efficiency?

Alec Morrow
1591 kWhs
Reply to  Saz
2 years ago

let the controller decide that..

There is no right answer about flow temp (other than the one that heats the room to the desired temperature)

943 kWhs
Reply to  Alec Morrow
2 years ago

My running costs are higher with this pump and there has been nothing but issues with leaks and pressure drops. I had to battle for weather comp to be set up properly (and ideally would like it to be adaptive). The model is supposed to be able to manage a legionella cycle without the need for an immersion, yet one is wired in that has a target flow of 80°C and runs for an hour or so. My point is that not all women want hot radiators (for those that do that’s fine but there will be less efficiency with that and increased costs). I would prefer low and slow and greater efficiency and for my running costs not to have been increased (before the price rises) as from what I gather various docs including MCS encourage high temp pumps to be used ONLY when there is no alternative. I am left in fuel poverty and am in a nightmarish situation. My property was designed for and previously had a standard pump.

Last edited 2 years ago by Saz
Joachim Kumpe
22 kWhs
2 years ago

hello, I´d like to get the FHP-Cloud program which they use in UK. Thanks for help! I watched all videos Hendra and installed the heat pump myself. My heat pump (same as Midea) but Hyndai: HYHC-V8W/D2N8-BE30.

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